Happy Customers

Irrefutable proof of the quality of our replicas is the passion with which our clients wear the helmets in any kind of motorsport moment. The pure joy our clients show us inspires our team to continue providing you with high-quality products and giving every ounce of our effort into recreating motor racing’s most iconic and beloved helmets.

Our Happy Customers section shows the reciprocate connection between our customers, our replicas and the CM Helmets team.


Send us a picture or video with the helmet you purchased from us , by the end of December, we will be posting all the pictures and videos and we will choose the best one.
You will be able to add comments and help us choose the best happy customer

The picture or video must be sent to our email address: [email protected] with subject HAPPY CUSTOMER CONTEST

The more creative and eye-catching media will give you a better chance to win. Here you can see some examples:
– On a go-kart
– With a race suit
– In a showcase
– At a Formula 1 circuit

If you also add your happy customer picture or video in your Instagram and Facebook story you will receive an extra GIFT if you win

Signed visors in our helmets are already a big part in the hearts of the CM Helmets customer community. We have delivered many helmets with the signature of the biggest legends we have seen in Formula 1. Michael Schumacher, Sebastian Vettel and other great champions have given their fans great pleasure by signing their helmets and we are glad to be able to have many items which include a drivers’ autograph.

Here you will see part of the CM Helmets customer community with their helmets on and competing in their karts. If you look closely, you will notice there are customers of various ages wearing our replicas. This is a testament to the guidance we provide our clients when selecting the size of their device and the trust they put in us to ultimately deliver a good-fitting helmet.

