The main picture shows four-time F1 World Champion Sebastian Vettel signing a full-size replica helmet we painted some years ago. Our Happy Customer who sent us the picture told us that Vettel was impressed by the quality, which makes us emotional and proud.
It is a common practice for some Happy Customers and replica owners, in general, to buy helmets or visors and work towards getting signed by drivers and enhance the product’s value exponentially.
During his time with Red Bull, Sebastian Vettel went through a staggering 96 different helmet designs. The man behind them explains how conversations with the Ferrari driver turn into the F1 crash helmets we see
//F1 with Princess Yachts
📸 DPPI— Motor Sport magazine (@Motor_Sport) April 2, 2020
Undoubtedly, you have to call it a great investment.
We provide and manufacture the finest F1, Nascar and Indycar replica helmets in the world. If you’re looking for full-size replica helmets, CM Helmets is the way to go.