Even though we can’t see, our Happy Customer’s face is filled with joy and pride behind that visor, as his Formula 1 helmet (Charles Leclerc‘s 2023 F1 design) is exactly as he wanted it to be.
We’re tremendously proud to have delivered such a fantastic piece of art and our customer was stunned by the quality not only of the helmet but the entire process.
The all-red helmet, which the Ferrari F1 driver started wearing in the 2022 Formula 1 season, is one of his greatest designs and our F1 artists love creating such a beautiful and symbolic helmet for our beloved Happy Customers.
Our Happy Customers went all out on this one, also wearing Ferrari’s beautiful red jacket. Will Il Predestinato bring the glory back to Maranello? or is Lewis Hamilton the leader the team needs going forward?
Who is your favorite F1 driver in the history of the Scuderia Ferrari?